Regardless of how experienced your main driver is, always remember that insurance companies will provide the quote based on the driver with the higher risk profile. This means that when you include a young or inexperienced driver as your named driver, your premium will increase.
If the named driver will not drive the vehicle as frequently as the main driver (car owner), you may choose not to include the named driver’s information. Ad-hoc drivers authorised by the main driver are covered under unnamed driver excess. Your asset is insured while being driven by them. The only catch is that the unnamed driver excess will be higher when they get into an accident.
Please note that the above applies to normal saloon cars. For super cars i.e. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche or cars with powerful engines i.e. Nissan GTR, Sabaru WRX and Mitsubishi Evolution, insurers may demand for all drivers to be named. They may decline claims due to an accident caused by an unnamed driver.
Autoshield has served ten over thousands of drivers for their Auto Insurance in Singapore. Clearly, we are experienced to advise you in this area. Contact us at our customer service hotline at 6385 0777 or mobile 8588 1688, 8588 9191, 8686 9991, 8688 9991, 8588 9991, 8866 9991, 8868 9991, 8668 9991. You may SMS us 24-hour around the clock.